We are proud to offer a broad and balanced curriculum which tailors the National Curriculum to meet the needs of all our learners. Our curriculum is designed around 6 key drivers which underpin all learning:
- Aspiration
- Experience Led
- Vocabulary Rich
- Outward Looking
- Conceptual
- Enquiry Based
What is my child learning now?
Our year group Curriculum Overview pages show what your child will be learning this half term.
EYFS Curriculum Overview Autumn 2 2024
Year 1 Curriculum Overview Autumn 2 2024
Year 2 Curriculum Overview Autumn 2 2024
Year 3 Curriculum Overview Autumn 2 2024
Year 4 Curriculum Overview Autumn 2 2024
Year 5 Curriculum Overview Autumn 2 2024
Year 6 Curriculum Overview Autumn 2 2024
Our Curriculum Overview pages below provide an insight into how learning is delivered in each curriculum subject.
Our Curriculum Progression documents show how we build the knowledge and skills of our learners in each subject as they move through the school.
Computing Progression Document
Geography Progression Document
Working Scientifically Progression Document
Personal Social Health Education (PSHE)
Our PSHE curriculum provides activities and experiences, which allow pupils to gain an understanding of:
- The human body
- Mental health
- Relationships
- The conditions which promote healthy growth and development
- Health hazards
- Safety
- Community health and safety services
- Environmental and social health measures
- The interdependence of man and other living things
- Citizenship
- Sex and relationships education
Sex and Relationships Education
In accordance with the Education (No 2) Act 1994, the Governors deem that sex and relationships education should be part of the curriculum of the school. This is taught as part of the PSHE programme and placed in the context of relationships, responsibilities and family life.
Governors believe that sex and relationships education at school should be complimentary to guidance given at home. Therefore, parents will be given the opportunity to view teaching materials and to discuss them with staff so that a match may be achieved between home and school. A copy of our Sex and Relationships Education Curriculum Map is available to download from this page.
The Governors' full Policy on Sex and Relationships Education is available for parents from the School Office. Legislation states that parents may withdraw their children from any part of sex and relationships education that is not part of the National Curriculum. Any parents wishing to do this will need to contact their child's class teacher, or the Headteacher, to discuss the matter.
Religious Education
We follow the Hampshire agreed syllabus 'Living Difference' supported by the resource, 'Understanding Christianity for Religious Education'. As a Church of England Voluntary Controlled School, our foundations are embedded in the Church of England and knowledge and understanding of Christianity remains central to the ethos and teachings of the school. However, children also learn about, and from, other world religions in accordance with the agreed syllabus. Children are taught RE by exploring religious stories, festivals, artefacts, rituals, beliefs and places of worship. We have strong links with St Nicholas Church in Wickham which is regularly used as a resource for learning and the ministry team support our planned areas of study.
Any parents wishing to withdraw their child from RE will need to discuss this initially with the Headteacher and confirm their decision in writing.
Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Long Term Curriculum Plan
KS1 and KS2 Long Term Curriculum Map
Wickham Church of England Primary School, Buddens Road, Wickham, Hampshire, PO17 5HU
01329 833065
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