Welcome to the website of Wickham Church of England Primary School; a window on life and learning at our school.

Wickham Primary School is a very special place, with its own unique sense of community and I am very proud to be the headteacher. Each child is valued as an individual and their talents and strengths are recognised, celebrated and developed further. Learning opportunities here are rich and exciting with children given every opportunity to be the best that they can be.

Wickham is a warm, happy and caring school community built on our core Christian values of Love, Courage and Respect and our children are rightfully proud of their school. Our Ofsted inspection in February 2022 judged that we continue to be a good school and our SIAMS Inspection in July 2023 also graded the school as good.

We also have our own pre-school (wickham-preschool.co.uk) on site with provision for 2, 3 and 4 year olds and offer our own onsite wraparound care provision, before and after school, from 7.30am until 6.00pm.

You are very welcome to pay us a visit if you'd like to find out more; we offer personalised tours during and after the school day for parents and carers who are considering Wickham as a school for their child/children. The staff and children would be delighted to meet you and tell you more about life and learning here at Wickham Church of England Primary School.

Mr G. Cutter


We are delighted to be offering family tours for parents and carers of children who are due to start school in September 2025. These will take place in the October and November 2024 - dates will be published very soon.


Wherever the river flows, life will flourish – Ezekiel 47:9

At Wickham, we are deeply committed to nurturing every person’s sense of self-worth and unique character.

Within our rich and memorable learning experiences we ignite curiosity and inspire courage to take risks.

Through our shared sense of responsibility, we make a difference to our village community and God's world beyond.

Our vision was created in collaboration with our whole school community: pupils, parents, governors and staff.  We reflected deeply on our core purpose; our aims for the academic, social, emotional, spiritual and cultural development of our children; and what would lie at the heart of all that we do.


Our Core Christian Values of Love, Courage and Respect underpin the Christian distinctiveness of our school and engender a special sense of community where everyone is cared for, listened to and appreciated.

Through these values, we develop children’s understanding of their roles and responsibilities as citizens looking after each other, our school, our community and God’s world.  This includes helping children to develop an understanding of positive relationships, to have courage to stand up for what is right, to have knowledge to make good choices and to appreciate and embrace one another’s differences.  We encourage children to celebrate who they are, to learn to love themselves as unique individuals and to reflect deeply on the kind of person that they aspire to be

As a Church school we are aware of our deeply Christian character that shapes our school values. We also recognise that these values are not exclusively Christian and are accepted by people of all faiths or no faith at all.

Our core Christian values are taught through Collective Worship, our school curriculum and by celebrating learning and personal achievements. Together we explore how values are exemplified in the Bible, in fiction stories and throughout the school day so that children understand how these are applied to their own lives.



Our single storey building has a large hall and 10 classrooms each with its own practical area and access to outside facilities. The school library is a focal point in the school, providing books that enhance the quality of teaching and learning for all children.  A well-equipped Early Years classroom and outdoor learning area ensure that our youngest children enjoy a bright stimulating, secure, learning environment in which to begin their school life.

We are very fortunate to have an all-weather sports pitch, a large playing field, two playgrounds and exciting adventure play areas. A mature 2.5-acre Conservation Area, with established hedgerows, young and mature trees and a large pond, provides wonderful opportunities for children to experience practical environmental work.  

The school also enjoys the benefit of a successful Ofsted registered before and after school club for parents wishing to use this facility and an Ofsted rated 'good' pre-school, Wickham Pre-School.

We are fortunate to have a very supportive Parent Teacher Association 'The Friends of Wickham Primary School' who raise funds to support school projects. Parents are encouraged to help in school and our Governors are involved fully in all events and activities.


Our Current School Improvement Priorities

As a school, we are always developing and improving. Our current school improvement priorities for this academic year are:


Quality of Education:

Secure greater consistency in the overall quality of teaching and learning, ensuring that task design supports all groups of pupils in accessing learning and making progress.



Ensure that teachers’ understanding of assessment in the foundation subjects is further developed so that they know how to use this information more effectively.


Leadership and Management:

Further develop the approach of subject leaders in how they monitor the implementation of the curriculum.


Wickham Church of England Primary School was founded by St Nicholas’ Church in 1868 and important documents, including a Trust Deed, define how our school is run today. Our Statutory Instrument of Government states:

Recognising its historic foundation, the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at parish and diocesan level. The school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all its pupils.

The school was initially situated next to the Church site and moved to its current position in 1969. It caters for children from 4 to 11 years, drawn from the village and surrounding community. Our school has a warm, family atmosphere where parents, the Church and village community are encouraged to become involved fully in all events and activities.  

We are very proud of our strong links with St. Nicholas' Church in Wickham. Throughout the year we visit the Church for school events including Harvest, Christmas and Easter. Our children also participate in a number of Church events, such as the Carols in the Square and the Church Fete. Classes use the Church for workshops to support programmes of study for Religious Education and History.


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