Weekly Home Learning


As a school, we have reviewed our home learning policy to ensure it is meaningful and valuable for our children.


Home learning helps pupils by:


  • Complimenting and reinforcing classroom learning
  • Fostering good lifelong learning and study habits
  • Providing an opportunity for pupils to become responsible for their own learning
  • Developing self-regulation processes such as goal-setting, self-efficacy, self-reflection and time management
  • Supporting partnerships with parents by connecting families with the learning of their children


Home Learning Expectations

Much of our home learning is now accessible online and you will have been given a login for this. Please speak to your child’s class teacher if do not have login details or if you are unable to access the learning. Home learning setting and due dates will vary for each class.


Year R and Key Stage 1

Year Reading Writing Maths
R Daily reading of the phonically decodable book sent home and/or another book e.g., library book Weekly phonics sheet to practise the sounds of the week and tricky words  



Accessing Numbots 3x a week to practise number skills

1 & 2 Learning to spell the Y1 and Y2 common exception words and high frequency words in their reading record book


Key Stage 2

Year Reading Writing Maths
3 & 4 4x a week reading of their school library book or a book from home Weekly spelling task sheet sent home and collected in on a Monday Accessing Times Tables Rock Stars  at least 3x a week to practise number skills
5 & 6 Weekly spelling or grammar task sheet sent home and collected in on a Monday Accessing Times Tables Rock Stars  at least 3x a week or test set on Maths.co.uk




Feedback and Marking of Home Learning:

All pieces of home learning will be acknowledged by the teacher who set it. This acknowledgement may be verbal or written. Most home learning set is intended to reinforce the current learning in class and, therefore, home learning will not be marked to the same level of detail as class work is. For Years 5 and 6, maths.co.uk allows the children to see any incorrect answers and how to correct these.

Personalised Home Learning:

Home learning will be differentiated when appropriate. Your child’s class teacher will contact you to discuss activities, expectations and time guidance if this applies to your child.

Maths Resources

There are some fantastic maths resources online such as:

Times Tables Rockstars: https://ttrockstars.com/

All children’s tables are set to automatically select questions for tables they are finding tricky.

White Rose: https://whiterosemaths.com/resources/schemes-of-learning/primary-sols/

You can click on your child’s year group and select a topic.

Nrich: https://nrich.maths.org/9084

Open ended maths activities. Some have solutions that other children have found.




Other Curriculum Resources

There are many other resources online to support your child in all areas of the curriculum:

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/primary for all areas of the curriculum

https://en.e-learningforkids.org/ for all areas of the curriculum

https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/teacher-category/primary-resources/ for Science, History and Geography

https://scratch.mit.edu/ for Computing

Special Educational Needs

SEN Links Document.pdf

Other Home Learning Activities

Pen and paper games

Wickham Church of England Primary School, Buddens Road, Wickham, Hampshire, PO17 5HU

01329 833065

Lindsay Grimwood - Senior Admin Officer


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