Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.

The Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools so that they can support their disadvantaged pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers.

The government believes that the pupil premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.

The pupil premium was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to schools to work with pupils who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last six years (known as ‘Ever 6 FSM’), children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months, children of service personnel and now, adopted children and children with guardians.

We are using our Pupil Premium Grant to improve outcomes for our most vulnerable learners. We are prioritising inclusion through the promotion of pupil progress and provision of effective social and emotional support for disadvantaged pupils

Full details of how much Pupil Premium Grant we have received and exactly how we are spending it can be found in our statement here:

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement

Wickham Church of England Primary School, Buddens Road, Wickham, Hampshire, PO17 5HU

01329 833065

Lindsay Grimwood - Senior Admin Officer

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