At Wickham Church of England Primary School, we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our pupils whatever their needs and abilities. Our educational aims for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) are the same as those for all children in the school. However, those who have difficulties and require additional and different provision may have SEND.
Our SEND provision is co-ordinated by our Inclusion Leader, Hollie Shilling, who ensures that we support children's individual needs. Mrs Shilling can be contacted by email
Full details of our SEND provision are included in our SEN Information Report which can be downloaded from this page. Parents and carers are also encouraged to refer to the Local Offer available online Hampshire Local Offer.
Wickham Church of England Primary School, Buddens Road, Wickham, Hampshire, PO17 5HU
01329 833065
Lindsay Grimwood - Senior Admin Officer
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